About Me
Things I Am Passionate About
Videos: I started when I was in 7th grade and you can most likely still find them on YouTube. Good luck searching for those.
Editing: I like to think that I am a wizard with Adobe Premiere. Editing quickly and efficiently is my specialty.
Music: Mastering, editing, and DJing is my favorite hobby. It’s all about the fire mixtape.
Social Media: I used to run all social media for my Greek organization on campus and loved every second of it. I now run Barstoolducks; An account with over 34,000 followers.
Teamwork: As a former president of my greek organization, teamwork and leadership is something I certainly know well.
Things I Am Not Passionate About
Taxes: Don’t even get me started.
Applying Sunscreen: I’m too cheap to buy the spray stuff, but I definitely pay for it in man-hours.
Laundry: Folding clothes isn’t for me.
Fun Facts
I make a mean mac n’ cheese.
I build and collect speakers for fun.
I will geek out with you about cars for hours.
I consider golf to be the greatest sport in the world (skiing is a close second).